Preemptive Prolific Production Printing: Petite Precious Pendants

Good Vibrations earrings and keychains So, without really meaning to I got a head start on my mass produced object. I let myself be distracted and went where my motivations took me and I'm actually so happy with how these turned out. These are based on the infamous ███████ █████████ massager (name redacted for lawsuit protection because these will probably sell by the millions) and I traced the silhouette in Adobe Illustrator which I then imported into Rhino. After a few Rhino tests I ended up make the entire thing in Grasshopper, including all the separate parts. The Grasshopper file as well as the object's design went through many iterations until I was happy with what I got. There is a small hole in the base which a steel eye hook screws into and then the whole piece is hooked onto a sterling silver base fish hook earing. They are so easy to print and I designed them to print so that with an easy colour change in Prusa...