
We're back!

I've played around with Grasshopper a few times now, and I already did the tutorials a while back so I thought I'd share what I've been working on lately. I was inspired by this candle holder my partner found recently. I can't say why, but I decided to try making something similar using Grasshopper. Well, a candle holder with a similar surface texture at least. That sort of hand carved look. Shout out to Bryan for pointing out a straight forward to solution to something I was overthinking. All I really needed was offset surface, not to calculate normals and direction etc etc etc. Doing this in Grasshopper means I can create infinitely unique versions of the candle holder. No candle holder will ever really be the same.

Object Review and Finale

Grand Final Midjourney generated image. Here's a summary of the things I made in OBDF 210 this year! Castle Surface Design Study Reverse Engineered Object Chess Set

Fruits Of My Labour

I was worried that wouldn't have time but I managed to get it done! Just berry-ly. From Sketch To Models Even with gobos!  To Prints Printed the rook, and a version of it as just a shell in the same spot. On the shell I used PrusaSlicer's Fuzzy Skin feature to give the avocado texture. More Renders I'm actually pretty happy with how they turned out. One big flaw with it at the moment is that it's not possible to distinguish sides right now. If I had more time I think I'd just make some modifications, mostly in textures, to make one side rotten.

A berry fun idea

Machine learning image I generated using Midjourney . A berry helpful idea generation strategy. When I started thinking of chess set ideas I was looking at one of my pineapple planters that I designed  and decided that I wanted to create something with a fruit theme. My partner even suggested fruits vs veggies. I ended on settling on something more specific. Berries. They are fun because there are some fruits considered berries that we don't typically expect. All of the following concept images are  generated using Midjourney v4  with a variety of prompts from myself. Queen King Bishop Knight Rook Pawn The major way this whole process helped me was realize that I didn't want each piece to look exactly like a specific berry but more that each piece could just be inspired by a berry, loosely taking on some of it's qualities. I imagine very few of my pieces will look much like these images but they were quite helpful.

French Press Finesse

Reverse Engineering Final Renders After finishing the last few parts of my reverse engineered French press I got started on the final renders. That was a lot of work. Very finicky detailed work. I can't say I particularly enjoyed the process but I'm happy with how it all turned out. The rendering process was quite satisfying and it's made more satisfying by the realism and accuracy of the models. Now please enjoy the following renders I spent so much time on. And now for something I've never done before. A Rhino video animation! It was a bit weird to wrap my head around initially but I figured it out.

Non-planar Container

Reverse Engineering Progress Update Two Continuing with my work on the French press, I decided to take a break of tiny finicky pieces and make the container. It had it's own intricate parts, like the handle having the slightest arc as well as merging the two wall vertical section with the the single wall lip. To get the brushed steel texture I just altered the Rhino "Grit Bump Texture" to be stretch drastically in one direction making the X size 8.0 and the Y size 10000.0. I'm pretty happy with the final look of the container, maybe if there's extra time at the end I'll play with the surface design to add the wear and tear. Here are the parts I've completed so far. And here's a little experiment I did with a hybrid display of the parts.