Dimension Comprehension

Photo of a french press push bar and filter cup with an overlay of the rendered version of the same thing.

Reverse Engineering Progress

Update One

French press parts and a digital caliper on top of a sketch book with a diagram and dimensions.

Got started with converting the three-dimensional object into a two-dimensional one with measurements. I wanted to start with the simplest part so that I could get some momentum built.

Close up of the top of a french press push bar
Close up rendering of the top of a french press push bar

I was able to measure most things but their definitely was an element of best guesses and trial and error comparing the object to what I saw on screen. Like 0.5 fillets for example, I wasn't able to measure them but I think I got close.

Then the momentum kicked in as expected and I forgot more regular documentation but here's some mini milestones I documented.

Technical CAD diagram of a french press push bar
Progress screenshot of a filter cup being modelled
Filter cup being measured with a digital caliper

Filter cup being held up the the CAD version on screen.
Filter cup being held up the the CAD version on screen. Viewing from below.
Filter cup being held up the the CAD version on screen. Including the seal.
Digital caliper lying on a page covered in notes.

The biggest issue I had was the internal bottom diameter of the filter wasn't possible to measure. So I held the digital caliper above it, tried my best to look square on and estimate it. Once I started to boolean difference out the windows for the filter I saw the bottom was too narrow. Using some of the references from the new geometry I was able to get a more accurate diameter, or at least one that looked more accurate.

There was also an interesting moment where I thought I had messed up building the CAD models using my measurements because the angles looked off but then when I picked up the object itself the angles actually matched, which made me feel pretty good about the measurements.

This is my progress so far.

Photo of a french press push bar and filter cup with an overlay of the rendered version of the same thing.

Mesh Filter

This is how I accomplished the mesh filter.

It's a surface with a material that uses the Rhino "Crosshatch Bump Texture" at a tiny scale.

Screenshot of Rhino 7 with a cylinder and rectangular prism with a mesh like texture
Screenshot of available Rhino textures.
Screenshot of Crosshatch Bump Texture settings

There are many better ways to do this but this was easy enough for me and I was able to get the result I wanted.


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