Non-planar Container

Rendering of a French press container

Reverse Engineering Progress

Update Two

Drawing of a French press in red pencil with measurements written all around it.

Continuing with my work on the French press, I decided to take a break of tiny finicky pieces and make the container. It had it's own intricate parts, like the handle having the slightest arc as well as merging the two wall vertical section with the the single wall lip.

A French press held up to the screen that has a similar replica of it

To get the brushed steel texture I just altered the Rhino "Grit Bump Texture" to be stretch drastically in one direction making the X size 8.0 and the Y size 10000.0.

Screenshot of Rhino "Grit Bump Texture"

I'm pretty happy with the final look of the container, maybe if there's extra time at the end I'll play with the surface design to add the wear and tear.

Rendering of a French press container

Here are the parts I've completed so far.

Rendering of a black French press container and two of the internal parts

And here's a little experiment I did with a hybrid display of the parts.

Render of French press parts with a blue technical overlay


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