I knew for a drawing I wanted to do something very precise. Something a human would have trouble doing by hand. I often think perfectly parallel lines.
I've played around with Grasshopper a few times now, and I already did the tutorials a while back so I thought I'd share what I've been working on lately. I was inspired by this candle holder my partner found recently. I can't say why, but I decided to try making something similar using Grasshopper. Well, a candle holder with a similar surface texture at least. That sort of hand carved look. Shout out to Bryan for pointing out a straight forward to solution to something I was overthinking. All I really needed was offset surface, not to calculate normals and direction etc etc etc. Doing this in Grasshopper means I can create infinitely unique versions of the candle holder. No candle holder will ever really be the same.
I'm really excited about this candle holder project that I have been working on and I'm excited about the idea of moving it beyond a proof-of-concept into a real physical object. What's more bespoke than an infinitely unique object, that no two will ever be the same? What's more design than having infinitely bespoke objects all fit together cohesively? A few things that I still need to address in Grasshopper: The main object is a loft of two curves (polygons) but I want to build this out further to have more curves involved, creating more visual complexity to the silhouette/profile of the object. Add a option for candle light or candle stick, this should be fairly straight forward. It's currently a very high demand definition, I'm curious to learn if there are optimizations I can include. As for the actual physical existence of these candle holders, I have a desire to "disguise" th...
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